Monday, January 5, 2015

What Causes Gum Recession and How it is Treated

Gum Recession
In our office, we treat gum recession on a regular basis and as such, are able to help our patients feel more comfortable and reduce the risk of bone and tooth loss that can come from a receding gum line.  Healthy gums are essential to the overall health of the mouth.  While most people focus their attention on the health of teeth, without the gums, the tooth structure and roots are exposed to bacteria and infection. With this in mind, a receding gum line is more than a cosmetic problem. 

Receding gums are often caused by genetics, something that, unfortunately, cannot be avoided.  There are, however, ways that you can improve the overall health of your gums and prevent them from receding or at least slow down the process.  It starts with what you put into your mouth.  Unhealthy habits like smoking, chewing tobacco or drinking alcohol in excess are bad for the health of your mouth and increase your risk of developing oral cancer and gum disease.  What you eat also plays an important role and by focusing on eating lean protein, green leafy vegetables, dairy products, and nuts, you can improve the health of your teeth and gums whereas foods that are high in sugar or acidic can attack your teeth and promote gum disease.  For this reason, focus on developing healthy habits in order to lower your risk factors. 

We have also treated patients that suffered from gum recession not due to a lack of oral health care, but by going overboard.  As with most things, moderation is the key so avoid brushing your teeth more than three times a day and use a soft or electronic toothbrush when you do.  Over-brushing and aggressive brushing can irritate your gum tissue and cause it to start receding.  You can get just as good of a clean by using a soft brush and brushing in a circular pattern, pushing bacteria away from your gums. 

Treatment Options
If you are suffering from gum recession now, you are likely experiencing some level of discomfort and are at an increased risk for developing infections.  In order to correct the problem and restore your gum tissue, we have several methods for treating it.  The traditional way is to perform a gum graft surgery.  In this scenario, tissue is taken from the roof of your mouth, or from a donor, and grafted to your gums in order to close the pockets and surround the tooth structure as it should be.  This procedure is often necessary for addressing major gum recession, and while you may be sore for a few days, it is extremely effective for protecting your teeth going forward.  

Those that are looking for a less invasive procedure may benefit from pinhole surgical rejuvenation.  To complete this procedure, we will create a small pin-size hole in the gum tissue, insert instruments and wiggle them around to expand the gum tissue.  It can then be secured to the tooth, accomplishing the same goal as a gum graft but without any cutting, sutures, or prolonged recovery time.