Friday, January 30, 2015

The Importance of Implant Dentistry for Your Overall Health

Implant Dentistry
We perform implant dentistry procedures for patients that have lost one or several teeth.  Losing teeth is an unfortunate reality of adulthood.  It is common for adults to lose at least one tooth in their lifetime, in spite of advances in dental care.  This can be due to poor oral hygiene, a lack of dental care, or an accident.  Regardless of why a tooth has fallen out, replacing it is critical for the health of your jaw and your body.  

Many people make the mistake of thinking that replacing a tooth is about vanity or keeping their smile intact.  This is an important part of it, but there are greater health reasons for undergoing the procedure.  When a tooth falls out, the roots do as well, and the roots are important for the ongoing health of the jaw.  They help to strengthen it, and when a person has lost too many teeth, the jaw can actually become weaker.  With implants surgery, a titanium post is inserted under the gums and screwed into the jawbone. While this may sound uncomfortable, we will provide you with sedation to ensure that you feel well during the procedure.  This aspect of the procedure is critical to helping your jaw to remain strong.  Through the process of osseointegration, the metal post and jawbone will fuse together, similar to how a natural root would.  As a result, your jaw will be strengthened, and the shape of your face preserved. 

The importance of jaw preservation cannot be overstated and if you look at pictures of people that have lost teeth you can see why. Once a tooth has fallen out the alveolar bone will start to decrease in height, width and volume.  In the first year alone, twenty-five percent of this bone can be lost.  As the starts to deteriorate the gums around it will also be compromised, and if left untreated, this can greatly influence your ability to eat and speak clearly.  Over time, more of the bone structure will be lost until the face starts to have a sagging appearance unless you undergo an implant dentistry procedure.  

When the back teeth are lost only, some people don’t see the importance of getting dental implants since this area cannot be seen when smiling.  It is, however, incredibly important because when the back molars are lost the front teeth have the burden of supporting the jaw.  They were not designed to do so and have difficulty supporting the weight.  This can cause the space in between your nose and chin to shrink, further impacting your appearance. 

While bone loss does play a major role in your appearance, it can also be dangerous to your health.  As the jaw becomes weakened, it is more susceptible to breaking. Even a slight bump or something like a basic car wreck can then cause a major break and subsequent surgical procedures to be required. This can be avoided by replacing missing teeth with implant dentistry that can in turn strengthen the jawbone and prevent further damage to your health or appearance.