Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Learn When You Should See a Sleep Dentist

Sleep Dentist
A sleep dentist is the dentist you should see if you are one of the many people that is terrified of spending time in a dentist’s chair. For many people, the idea of getting dental work done bring about extreme anxiety, bordering on terror. Sedation dentistry, also known as sleep dentistry, has risen to the challenge of giving these people the best dental treatment they can get while reducing, or eliminating altogether, the fear of being treated by a dentist. Before you consider getting dental work done, you should know that most dentists have been trained, and are extremely adept at using psychological measures to help put your mind at ease so that you can get through the most dental procedures without the need for sedation. 

If sleep dentistry is an option you choose, you should make sure that you do so for the right reasons. Like with most things, there are good reasons for getting sedation dentistry and there are reasons to not get sedation. What we ask is that you take stock of your levels of anxiety and decide if you can tolerate the treatment with an empathetic dentist and calming measures or if you feel like it is intolerable and will need sedation administered by a certified sleep dentist

Here are some of the reasons you should work with a sleep dentist to receive sedation – 

You are going to be undergoing an extremely invasive procedure that could take time and is extremely complex. If you may be unable to hold still and remain calm for the duration of the procedure, going to sleep may be the best option for you.  In cases like this, it may be better for the patient to be asleep during the procedure. 

You know that despite the best efforts of the dentist and despite having an extremely empathetic dental team, you will need a little bit more. In a case like this, you may be able to have a lower level of sedation like nitrous, also known as laughing gas. If you need more than laughing gas, discuss this with us as a sleep dentist. 

If you believe that the only way, you can get through the procedure, is by being completely out of it, then you will want to discuss this with your dentist. For some people being out of it and completely unaware of what is going on during the procedure is the only way to get through it, in which case having a general anesthesia may be the best option for you. 

Finally, if you have extreme fear associated with a particular part of the procedure, you may want to consider working with a sleep dentist. For example, if you have an extreme fear of needles or a dental drill, sedation is probably the best option for you and the if necessary, you can even go to sleep during the procedure. 

In our office, we want to ensure that every patient is completely comfortable during their dental treatments.  Let us know about any anxieties or fears you have so that we can create a sedation plan to help you.