Visit a Sleep Dentist for a Gummy Smile
One of the other reasons that brides visit us is to have their gums shaped so that they no longer have a gummy smile where the gums go up too high on the teeth. We can correct this problem by using lasers to remove some of the excess tissue and shaping your gums so that more of your beautiful teeth show through.
You Can Visit a Sleep Dentist to Replace Your Teeth
If you have lost some of your teeth due to an infection or dental damage, we can replace them in time for your wedding. Instead of wearing dentures that can fall out or make you feel self-conscious, we can provide you with a permanent and secure way to replace your teeth – dental implants. For your wedding, you want to be able to smile and feel proud of how you look. You can, with dental implants securely in place. This is the only solution that replaces both your missing roots and your missing teeth. We complete the procedure by surgically implanting a small titanium post under your gums and securing it to your jawbone. The body responds to titanium like it would to natural matter and it begins to deposit bone tissue around the actual post. This process is called osseointegration and it works incredibly well. While the process can take a couple of months, once done your implant will be as secure as a natural root and we can secure your new tooth or teeth to it.
Why You Should See a Sleep Dentist
When performing procedures that are going to cause you irritation, we can simply put you to sleep. This way you will not feel anything and you will not have the anxiety that can come from undergoing a dental procedure. While preparing for your wedding you are going to have a lot on your plate. Things, like hiring the right catering company and finding the perfect dress, can be fun but they can also be stressful. Adding the anxiety of receiving dental care to this already full schedule, is not wise. While the actual dental treatments are necessary for giving you a wedding day smile, the anxiety is not. As a sleep dentist, we can solve the problem by making it easier than ever for you to receive dental care. We simply put you to sleep so that you can feel perfectly relaxed and at ease about having your teeth replaced, gums treated or smile improved. To get started, call and schedule an appointment today.